fnctId=profl,fnctNo=125 인물소개 리스트 교수 이창희 상세보기 직위 교수 전화번호 031-670-5102 소속 원예생명공학전공 전공 화훼원예학 연구실 농학1관 413호 교수소개 교수 이창희 소속 원예생명공학전공 직위 교수 전화번호 031-670-5102 전공 화훼원예학 연구실 농학1관 413호 이메일 changheelee@hknu.ac.kr 학력 및 경력 서울대학교 원예학과 농학사 서울대학교 원예학과 농학석사 서울대학교 원예학과 농학박사 주요경력 2021.10.~현재 한경대학교 AI스마트팜전공주임 2006.08.~현재 한경대학교 생명공학부 원예생명공학전공 교수 2022.10.~현재 한경대학교 평생교육원장 겸 지역협력센터장 2022.10.~현재 한경대학교 학술장학진흥재단 상임이사 2021.09.~2022.09. 한경대학교 지역협력단장 겸 평생교육원장 2021.03.~2021.10. 한경대학교 AI융합학부장 겸 AI스마트팜전공주임 2020.03.~현재 한경대학교 국제농업기술정보연구소장 2016~2017. 한경대학교 미래인재개발원장 2014~2017. 한경대학교 친환경농축산물GAP인증센터장 2014~현재, 한국자원식물학회 책임편집위원 2014~2016. 한국자원식물학회 부회장 2009.12. 한경학술상 수상 2006~현재. 한국원예학회 상임이사 연구실적 및 저서 이창희 외 2인. 2010. Seed priming of the california poppy (Eschscholzia california). Horticulture, Environment, and Biotechnology 51(6):501-506. (SCI) 이창희 외 1인. 2011. Enhancement of stem firmness in standard chrysanthemum ‘Baekma’ by foliar spray of liquid calcium compounds. Korean Journal of Horticultural Science & Technology. 29(4):298-305. (SCI) 이창희 외 2인. Seed priming of the california poppy (Eschscholzia california). Hort. Environ. Biotechnol. 51(6): 501-506, 2010 (SCI) 이창희 외 1인. Enhancement of stem firmness in standard chrysanthemum ‘Baekma’ by foliar spray of liquid calcium compounds. Kor. J. Hort. Sci. Technol. 29(4):298-305, 2011(SCI) 이창희 외 1인. Control of unseasonable flowering in chrysanthemum ‘'Baekma’' by 2-chloroethylphosphonic acid and night temperature. Kor. J. Hort. Sci. Technol. 29(6):539-548, 2011(SCI) 이창희. Solid matrix priming with hydrogels on Heteropappus arenarius seeds. Horticultural Science and Technology 31:700-705, 2014(SCI) 이창희 외 4인. Phylogenetic analysis of Korean native chrysanthemum species based on morphological characteristics. Scientia Horticulturae 175:278-289, 2014(SCI) 이창희 외 2인. Evaluation for soil moisture stabilization and plant growth response in horizontal biofiltration system depending on wind speed and initial soil moisture. The Korean Journal of Plant Resources 27:546-555, 2014(KCI) 이창희 외 4인. Effect of transplanting methods on growth and yield of paprika in coir culture. Protected Horticulture and Plant Factory 23:281-287, 2015(KCI) 이창희 외 2인. Stabilizing soil moisture and indoor air quality purification in a wall-typed botanical biofiltration system controlled by humidifying cycle. Horticultural Science and Technology 33:605-617, 2015(SCI) 이창희 외 2인. Stabilization of soil moisture and improvement of indoor air quality by a plant-biofilter integration system. Horticultural Science and Technology 33:751-762, 2015(SCI) 이창희 외 2인. Plant growth responses and indoor air quality purification in a wall-typed botanical biofiltration system. The Korean Journal of Plant Resources 28:665-674, 2015(KCI) 이창희 외 2인. Stabilization of soil moisture and plant growth on a botanical biofilter with a wick-typed humidifying apparatus. The Korean Journal of Plant Resources 29:579-587, 2016(KCI) 이창희 외 4인. The Influence of cation exchange capacity of zeolite and solution chemistry on the transport of bacteria. Journal of Water Treatment 25:3-11, 2018(KCI) 이창희 외 4인. Growth characteristics and DPPH radical scavenging activity of lettuce ‘Fidel’ in plant factory using activated mineral groups and light-emitting diodes. The Korean Journal of Plant Resources 32:228-236, 2019(KCI) 이창희 외 3인. Illite for the removal of E. coli by filtration in water treatment processes: a comparative study. Desalination and Water Treatment. 163:270-280, 2019(SCI) 이창희 외 2인. Growth characteristics and glucosinolate levels in Chinese kale cultured in a plant factory system with ammonium sulfate and light-emitting diodes. 38(3):351-363, 2020(SCI) 이창희 외 2인. Polyphenol content and essential oil composition of sweet basil cultured in a plant factory with light-emitting diodes. Horticultural Science and Technology 38(5):620-630, 2020(SCI) 이창희 외 7인. Thermo-Chemical treatment for carcass disposal and the application of treated carcass as compost. Applied Science 11:431-443, 2021(SCI)