fnctId=profl,fnctNo=110 인물소개 리스트 식품생명화학공학부장&조교수 강지훈 상세보기 직위 식품생명화학공학부장&조교수 전화번호 031-670-5154 소속 식품생명공학전공 전공 기능성 포장학 연구실 제2공학관 211호 교수소개 식품생명화학공학부장&조교수 강지훈 소속 식품생명공학전공 직위 식품생명화학공학부장&조교수 전화번호 031-670-5154 전공 기능성 포장학 연구실 제2공학관 211호 이메일 jhkang@hknu.ac.kr 학력 및 경력 학력 충남대학교 식품공학과 학사 졸업(2012.02) 충남대학교 식품공학과 석사 졸업 (2015.02) 충남대학교 식품공학과 박사 졸업 (2018.02) 주요경력 충남대학교 식품공학과 박사후연구원 (BK21사업팀) 충남대학교 식품공학과 시간강사 홍익대학교 바이오화학공학과 박사후연구원 농촌진흥청 국립농업과학원 농산물안전성부 전문연구원 연구실적 및 저서 Kang JH, Song KB. 2021. Antimicrobial activity of honeybush (Cyclopia intermedia) ethanol extract against foodborne pathogens and its application in washing fresh-cut Swiss chard. Food Control, 121, 107674. Kang JH, Song KB. 2020. Combined washing effect of noni extract and oregano essential oil on the decontamination of Listeria monocytogenes on romaine lettuce. Int J Food Sci Technol, 55, 3515-3523. Kim SJ1, Kang JH1, Song KB. 2020. Development of a sword bean (Canavalia gladiata) starch film containing goji berry extract. Food Bioprocess Tech, 13, 911-921. (Co-first author) Lee CH, Kang JH, Woo HJ, Song KB. 2020. Inactivation of Listeria monocytogenes and Escherichia coli O157:H7 inoculated on fresh-cut romaine lettuce by peanut skin extract/benzethonium chloride emulsion washing. Food Control, 119, 107479. Lee CH, Kang JH, Woo HJ, Song KB. 2020. Combined treatment of nut by-product extracts and peracetic acid against Listeria monocytogenes on red mustard and kale leaves. LWT-Food Sci Technol, 129, 109608. Woo HJ, Kang JH, Lee CH, Song KB. 2020. Application of Cudrania tricuspidata leaf extract as a washing agent to inactivate Listeria monocytogenes on fresh-cut romaine lettuce and kale. Int J Food Sci Technol, 55, 276-282. Choi EJ, Lee JH, Kim HK, Park HW, Son JY, Park CW, Song KB, Kang JH, Woo HJ, Lee CH, Chun HH. 2020. Development of multi-pallet unit load storage system with controlled atmosphere and humidity for storage life extension of winter kimchi cabbage (Brassica rapa L. ssp. pekinensis). Sci Hortic, 264, 109171. Kang JH, Song KB. 2019. Characterization of Job’s tears (Coix lachrymal-jobi L.) starch films incorporated with clove bud essential oil and their antioxidant effects on pork belly during storage. LWT-Food Sci Technol, 111, 711-718. Kang JH, Woo HJ, Park JB, Chun HH, Park CW, Song KB. 2019. Effect of storage in pallet-unit controlled atmosphere on the quality of Chinese cabbage (Brassica rapa L. spp. pekinensis) used in kimchi manufacturing. LWT-Food Sci Technol, 111, 436-442. Kang JH, Park SJ, Park JB, Song KB. 2019. Surfactant type affects the washing effect of cinnamon leaf essential oil emulsion on kale leaves. Food Chem, 271, 122-128. Kang JH, Song KB. 2019. Antibacterial activity of the noni fruit extract against Listeria monocytogenes and its applicability as a natural sanitizer for the washing of fresh-cut produce. Food Microbiol, 84, 103260. Kang JH, Park JB, Song KB. 2019. Inhibitory activities of quaternary ammonium surfactants against Escherichia coli O157:H7, Salmonella Typhimurium, and Listeria monocytogenes inoculated on spinach leaves. LWT-Food Sci Technol, 102, 284-290. Park JB, Kang JH, Song KB. 2019. Clove bud essential oil emulsion containing benzethonium chloride inactivates Salmonella Typhimuruim and Listeria monocytogenes on fresh-cut pak choi during modified atmosphere storage. Food Control, 100, 17-23. Woo HJ, Park JB, Kang JH, Chun HH, Song KB. 2019. Combined treatment of high hydrostatic pressure and cationic surfactant washing to inactivate Listeria monocytogenes on fresh-cut broccoli. J Microbiol Biotechnol, 29(8), 1240-1247. Park JB, Kang JH, Song KB. 2018. Geranium essential oil emulsion containing benzalkonium chloride as a wash solution on fresh-cut vegetables. Food Bioprocess Technol, 11, 2164-2171. Kang JH, Song KB. 2018. Combined effect of a positively charged cinnamon leaf oil emulsion and organic acid on the inactivation of Listeria monocytogenes inoculated on fresh-cut Treviso leaves. Food Microbiol, 76, 146-153. Kang JH, Song KB. 2018. Inhibitory effect of plant essential oil nanoemulsions against Listeria monocytogenes, Escherichia coli O157:H7, and Salmonella Typhimurium on red mustard leaves. Innov Food Sci Emerg Technol, 45, 447-454. Park JB, Kang JH, Song KB. 2018. Combined treatment of cinnamon bark oil emulsion washing and ultraviolet-C irradiation improves microbial safety of fresh-cut red chard. LWT-Food Sci Technol, 93, 109-115. Park JB, Kang JH, Song KB. 2018. Improving the microbial safety of fresh-cut endive with a combined treatment of cinnamon leaf oil emulsion containing cationic surfactants and ultrasound. J Microbiol Biotechnol, 28(4), 503-509. Park JB, Kang JH, Song KB. 2018. Antibacterial activities of a cinnamon essential oil with cetylpyridinium chloride emulsion against Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Salmonella Typhimurium in basil leaves. Food Sci Biotechnol, 27(1), 47-55. Kang JH, Song KB. 2017. Effect of pomegranate (Punica granatum) pomace extract as a washing agent on the inactivation of Listeria monocytogenes inoculated on fresh produce. Int J Food Sci Technol, 52, 2295-2302. Kang JH, Song KB. 2017. Combined treatment on the inactivation of naturally existing bacteria and Escherichia coli O157:H7 inoculated on fresh-cut kale. J Microbiol Biotechnol, 27(2), 219-225. Son HJ, Kang JH, Song KB. 2017. Antimicrobial activity of safflower seed meal extract and its application as an antimicrobial agent for the inactivation of Listeria monocytogenes inoculated on fresh lettuce. LWT-Food Sci Technol, 85, 52-57. 교수 손종연 상세보기 직위 교수 전화번호 031-670-5155 소속 식품생명공학전공 전공 식품화학 연구실 제2공학관 106호 교수소개 교수 손종연 소속 식품생명공학전공 직위 교수 전화번호 031-670-5155 전공 식품화학 연구실 제2공학관 106호 이메일 nawin98@hknu.ac.kr 학력 및 경력 농학박사 연구실적 및 저서 식품분석화학, 손종연, 한경대학교 (2008) 식품화학, 손종연외 3인, 도서출판 진로(2008) 식용유지학, 손종연, 도서출판 진로(2008) 최신식품화학, 손종연, 도서출판 진로(2008) 식품분석실험, 손종연, 도서출판 진로(2008) 한국식문화사 손종연 도서출판 진로(2009) 정우열, 김성기, 손종연, 2008. Aspergillus oryzae 또는 Bacillus natto 발효콩의 Isoflavone 함량과 생리활성, 한국식품영양과학회지 37(2), 141-147 김은주, 황성연, 손종연. 2009. 참기름, 흑참기름, 들기름 및 올리브유 추출물의 생리활성 한국식품영양과학회지 38(3): 280-286 Ok-Hwan Lee, Boo-Yong Lee, Jun-soo Lee, Hee-Bong Lee, Cheon-Seok Park, Kalidas Shetty, Young-Cheul Kim Assessment of phenolics-enriched extract and fractions of olive leaves and their antioxidant activities Bioresource Technology, Elsevier Ltd 100: 6107-6113(2009. 7) 손종연 2010. 향신료 메탄올추출물의 항산화 및 항균효과 한국식품영양과학회지 39(5), 648-654(2010. 5) Heeok Hong, Oliver D. 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The effects of dietary soybean fermented with Aspergillus oryzae or Bacillus natto on egg production and egg lipid composition in layer. 한국축산식품학회지. 30(4): 609-616 손종연, 김태옥 2011. 한국전통차의 생리활성 및 항산화효과. 한국조리과학회지. 27(5): 567-575 손종연, 강근옥. 2012. 닭튀김 횟수에 따른 튀김닭 및 튀김유의 품질 특성의 변화 동아시아식생활학회지, 22(4): 527-534 손종연, 강근옥 2012. 닭튀김유의 품질 특성에 대한 Oil-water fryer의 효과, 한국조리과학회지, 28(4):443-450 교수 정하열 상세보기 직위 교수 전화번호 031-670-5156 소속 식품생명화학공학부 전공 식품천연물학/기기분석 연구실 2공학관 210호 교수소개 교수 정하열 소속 식품생명화학공학부 직위 교수 전화번호 031-670-5156 전공 식품천연물학/기기분석 연구실 2공학관 210호 이메일 chy@hknu.ac.kr 학력 및 경력 공학박사(식품생물공학, 연세대) 선임연구원(CJ 제일제당 식품연구소) 교수 약력 현) 한국유산균 프로바이오틱스학회 회장, 현) 사단법인 한국전통발효식품협회 이사 현) 한국식품연구원 과제평가 위원 전) C J 제일제당 식품연구소 선임연구원 역임 전) 식품의약품안전처 건강기능식품 심의위원 역임 전) 한국식품과학회 학술간사, 사업간사, 재무간사 및 재정위원장 역임 전) 오뚜기 재단 카레향신료 연구회 회장 역임 전) 한국유산균 프로바이오틱스학회 부회장, 간사장 및 학술간사 역임 전) 한국 식품기술사회 학술간사 연구실적 및 저서 GC-MS에 의한 폴리코사놀 유화액의 정량분석 (한국산업식품공학회지, 20/3, 2016) 전통발효식품의 나트륨 저감화 (식품과학과 산업, 49/2, 2016) 레토르트 파우치된 카레소스의 살균 및 저장 조건에 따른 품질변화 (한국산업식품공학회지, 19/4, 2015) 발효명일엽의 품질특성 (한국산업식품공학회지, 19/1, 2015) Leuconostoc mesenteroides 유래 plasmid 특성 및 벡터 개발 (한국유산균학회지, 2/2, 2014) 건강식품소재로서 발효울금의 특성 (한국산업식품공학회지, 18/2, 2014) 쌀단백질 잔사 효소분해물의 풍미증진효과 (한국산업식품공학회지, 18/2, 2014) Proximate copmposition, amino acid, mineral, and heavy metal content of dried laver (Preventive nutrition and Food Science, 18/2, 2013) 발효생강 추출물이 RAW 264.7 마크로파지에서 NO 및 PGE2 생성에 미치는 영향 (한국산업식품공학회지, 17/1, 2013) Lactobacillus plantarum를 이용한 유산균발효 및 열처리가 마늘의 향기성분 및 항산화활성에 미치는영향 (한국산업식품공학회지, 16/4, 2012) 동치미로부터 분리한 Lactobacillus sakei J4의 항균활성 및 생균제로서 특성 (한국산업식품공학회지, 16/2, 2012) An active extract of Ulmus pumila inhibits adipogenesis through regulation (Food and Chemical Toxicology, 50/6, 2012) 쌀단백질 잔사발효물이 효모추출물의 맛특성에 미치는 영향 (한국산업식품공학회지, 15/4, 2011) 쌀단백질 효소분해물을 이용한 효모추출물의 제조 (한국산업식품공학회지, 15/3, 2011) 발효생강의 품질 특성 (한국식품과학회지, 43/3, 2011). 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Curr Topp Lact Acid Bact probiotics 2(2) 84-86 Taste enhancing effects of Enzyme Hydrolysates of Rice Protein Residue. 2014. Food Eng Prog 18(2) 140-145 Characteristics of Fermented Curcuma as a Health Food Ingredient. 2014. Food Eng Prog 18(2) 79-86 Proximate copmposition, amino acid, mineral, and heavy metal content of dried laver. Prev nutr Food Sci 139-144 Effects of the Fermented Ginger Extracts on the Production of NO and PGE2 in RAW 264.7 Macrophages. 2013. Food Eng Prog 17(1) 55-61 Effect of fermentation with Lactobacillus plantarum and heat processing on the anti-oxidant activity and volatile composition of garlic. 2012. Food Eng Prog 16(4) 374-380 Antimicrobial Activity of Lactobacillus sakei J4 Isolated from Korean Dongchimi and Its Probiotic Properties. 2012. Food Eng Prog 16(2) 122-128 An active extract of Ulmus pumila inhibits adipogenesis through regulation. 2012. Food Chem Toxi 50(6) 2009-2015 Effect of Fermented Rice Protein Residue on the Taste Property of Yeast Extract. 2011. Food Eng Prog 15(4) 413-419 Preparation of Yeast Extract Using an Enzyme Hydrolysate of Rice Protein. 2011. Food Eng Prog 15(3) 243-249 Quality properties of fermented Gingers. 2012. Korean J Food Sci Technol 43(3) 249-254 Isolation and Characterization of a water-soluble polysaccharide from the mycelia of solid cultured Agaricus blazei Murill. 2005. Food Sci. Biotechnol. 14(2) 259-262 교수 심재용 상세보기 직위 교수 전화번호 031-670-5158 소속 식품생명공학전공 전공 식품공학 연구실 2공학관 208호 교수소개 교수 심재용 소속 식품생명공학전공 직위 교수 전화번호 031-670-5158 전공 식품공학 연구실 2공학관 208호 이메일 jyshim@hknu.ac.kr 학력 및 경력 코넬대학교 박사 연구실적 및 저서 2012. 포도첨가 막걸리의 양조특성. Food Eng. Prog. 16: 263-269. 2012. Effects of poly-γ-glutamic acid on the physicochemical characteristics of skim milk yoghurt. Int. J. Dairy Technol. 65: 423-428. 2012. Structural and physicochemical properties of starch gels prepared from partially modified starches using Thermus aquaticus 4-α-glucanotransferase. Carbohyd. Polym. 87: 2455-2463 2011. Effects of enzymatically modified starch on the encapsulation efficiency and stability of water-in-oil-in-water emulsions. Food Chem. 128: 266-275. 2011. Optimizing the replacement of pork fat with fractionated barley flour paste in reduced-fat sausage. Food Sci. Biotechnol. 20: 687-694. 부교수 하재원 상세보기 직위 부교수 전화번호 031-670-5153 소속 식품생명공학전공 전공 식품미생물학 연구실 제2공학관 209호 교수소개 부교수 하재원 소속 식품생명공학전공 직위 부교수 전화번호 031-670-5153 전공 식품미생물학 연구실 제2공학관 209호 이메일 hjw@hknu.ac.kr 학력 및 경력 학력 고려대학교 식품공학과 이학사 서울대학교 식품생명공학전공 농학박사 주요경력 CJ 제일제당 서울대학교 식품안전성 및 독성연구센터 박사후연구원 연구실적 및 저서 논문실적 (SCIE 주저자) Jee, D.Y., Cha, S.Y., Ha, J.W.*. 2023. Evaluation of low-energy X-rays as an alternative to chlorine washing to control internalized foodborne pathogens in lettuce. Journal of Food Safety. In press. Seok, J.H., Ha, J.W.*. 2023. Susceptibility of Listeria monocytogenes and Staphylococcus aureus grown under high salt conditions to X-ray irradiation. Food and Bioprocess Technology. In press. Jee, D.Y., Ha, J.W.*. 2023. Inactivation of Escherichia coli O157:H7, Salmonella Typhimurium, and Listeria monocytogenes on stainless steel by synergistic effects of tap water-based neutral electrolyzed water and lactic acid. Food Microbiology. 112: 104233. Khalid N., Sammi S., Miskeen S., Khan I., Inam-u-llah, Liaquat M., Anwar K., Khan A., Shah A.M., Shah A.S., Al-Judaibi A.A.M., Ha, J.W.*, Jahangir M.*. 2023. Impact of salicylic acid and calcium chloride on quality attributes of peach stored at refrigeration temperature. Food Science and Biotechnology. 32: 1281-1296. Lee, J.I., Cha, S.Y., Lee, C.G., Ha, J.W.*, Park, S.J.*. 2022. Application of bottom ash from cattle manure combustion for removing fluoride and inactivating pathogenic bacteria in wastewater. Chemical Engineering Research and Design. 187: 319-331. Cha, M.Y., Ha, J.W.*. 2022. Low-energy X-ray irradiation effectively inactivates major foodborne pathogen biofilms on various food contact surfaces. Food Microbiology. 106: 104054. Lim, J.S., Ha, J.W.*. 2022. Growth temperature-induced changes in resistance of Listeria monocytogenes and Yersinia enterocolitica to X-ray irradiation. Food Microbiology. 105: 104029. Jeong, Y.J., Ha, J.W.*. 2022. Synergistic antimicrobial effect of UV-A irradiation and malic acid combination treatment against foodborne pathogens on spinach and the underlying mechanism. Food and Bioprocess Technology. 15: 379-390. Jee, D.Y., Ha, J.W.*. 2021. Synergistic interaction of tap water-based neutral electrolyzed water combined with UVA irradiation to enhance microbial inactivation on stainless steel. Food Research International. 150: 110773. Lim, J.S., Ha, J.W.*. 2021. Growth-inhibitory effect of X-ray irradiation on gram-negative and gram-positive pathogens in apple, orange, and tomato juices. 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Simultaneous effects of UV-A and UV-B irradiation on the survival of Escherichia coli O157:H7, Salmonella Typhimurium, and Listeria monocytogenes in buffer solution and apple juice. Journal of Food Protection. 82: 2065-2070. Park, J.S., Ha, J.W.*. 2019. Ultrasound treatment combined with fumaric acid for inactivating food-borne pathogens in apple juice and its mechanisms. Food Microbiology. 84:103277. Jeong, Y.J., Ha, J.W.*. 2019. Combined treatment of UV-A radiation and acetic acid to control foodborne pathogens on spinach and characterization of their synergistic bactericidal mechanisms. Food Control. 106:106698. Song, W.J., Chung, H.Y., Kang, D.H., Ha, J.W.*. 2019. Microbial quality of reduced-sodium napa cabbage kimchi and its processing. Food Science & Nutrition. 7: 628-635. Cho, G.L., Ha, J.W.*. 2019. Application of X-ray for inactivation of foodborne pathogens in ready-to-eat sliced ham and mechanism of the bactericidal action. Food Control. 96: 343-350. 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Effect of hydrogen peroxide vapor treatment for inactivating Salmonella Typhimurium, Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Listeria monocytogenes on organic fresh lettuce. Food Control. 44: 78-85. (1co-first authors) Ha, J.W., Kang, D.H. 2014. Inactivation kinetics of Escherichia coli O157:H7, Salmonella Typhimurium, and Listeria monocytogenes in ready-to-eat sliced ham by near-infrared heating at different radiation intensity. Journal of Food Protection. 77(7): 1224-1228. Kim S.O.1,Ha, J.W.1, Park K., Chung M., Kang, D.H. 2014. Infrared sensor-based aerosol sanitization system for controlling Escherichia coli O157:H7, Salmonella Typhimurium, and Listeria monocytogenes on fresh produce. Journal of Food Protection. 77(6): 977-980. (1co-first authors) Ha, J.W., Kang, D.H. 2014. Synergistic bactericidal effect of simultaneous near-infrared radiant heating and UV radiation against Cronobacter sakazakii in powdered infant formula. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 80(6): 1858-1863. 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